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Before getting started reading this document as a way to learn this toolkit, not as an reference you may need to check if you have some requirements and conditions. So, before diving deep into Tonion and make our hands Toniony, lets check requirements.

What you need to know!

There is some specific stuff to learn, know and understand before start developing on the top of any blockchain, to start developing on TON, using Tonion you need the following list:

  1. Understanding blockchain and how it works in general
  2. The Open Network and TON blockchain and how they work
  3. Tact programming language basics

If you you have all requirements, you can go to next part, otherwise it's recommended to use following resources and get back here once you finished them:


A well-setup to get started!

Once you had your brain ready, thats time to make your machine ready! Here is list of configs and setups you need to get started:

  1. Vscode or any preferred code editor
  2. Tact support extensions
  3. Blueprint development environment
  4. Node.js and NPM

Now, you have both your brain and machine ready, in the next part we will have a quick overview of Tonion and we will create a Jetton using it!